Sunday, November 16, 2008

The first of many bad turkey jokes...

What jazz piece do I listen to when I baste and bake the big bird?

Rondo a la Turkey.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't bug me I'm illustrating

What do you do
with a silverfish in your shoe?
You scream, you run
you gasp, you gag.
And you call your husband
or daughter to snag
that bugger.

Oh, I'll never be the same. Scarred for life. Scared even longer.

But Bill and Dave playing Charlie Parker brings me back to life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Falling Asleep to the Scanning Machine

When making a dummy

the sound of the scanner

can put you to sleep

in an uncanny manner

Those 32 pages

slide through in two passes

and drop on the tray

like drippy molasses

Then before you know it

an hour has passed

and where does the time go

when things don't move fast

You're snoring along

as the dummy progresses

and you run out of toner

and you cuss what a mess this is

Another hour goes by

and the dummy is done

but you forgot a copy

of that sample...that ONE

That colorful sample

you sent to the printer

looks pretty good now

as your brain starts to splinter

But you swallow your coffee

and you belch and you yawn

you'll get this thing mailed out

if you work until dawn

Suddenly it is Saturday

Will the post office close

sooner than most days?

Better get on your toes

You kiss them goodbye

those three little bookies

and wait a few months

for those editor look sees

(and you work on something new)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Great day

Great day!

Great, great day!

The critique of the assignment went well. Now I just have to adjust two of my characters poses and send samples to house #1. I know which ones to send and why. What a great learning experience and look into how the process lots of revisions. The AD is so nice and funny and thoughful. I wish I had done this years ago...but I was not ready, my work was not ready. And now it is! I'd love to work with him!

And portfolio critique with S and S AD went very well. Said my work is unique, energetic, well composed, has real young child appeal and is expressive ( a few pictures in particular) and little things to fix which are easy enough. This man put me at ease, was very warm and extremely articulate in his assessment. I'd love to work with him.  And we have a friend in common in the suit of Barkley the Dog. I could feel his love of children's literature shine thru. Me too!

Both of them.

Samples to bet your booties!

Every illustrator who wants to do kids books should do these!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Patience and Patriotism -- The Writer's Pledge

I pledge allegiance
to the publisher
in the Big Apple
called New York
and to the editor
for whom I write
one manuscript,
under slush
with dummy
and art samples
for all.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Obama Red Pajama!

Presidential poetry for the very young.

What can I do with this one?

Give me some time.

It is going to be a busy week
(After much deliberation, I have decided not to pursue this as I see myself behind bars writing and illustrating children's literature, and it is hard enough as is.)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Working like a dog

to get ready for the Illustrator's Day. 

The next dummy is just about done (for now) to show, time allowing. The first person, emotional, discovering life and danger and independence and bravery one. This probably has too much action one but hey...that is what it is. Words and imagery folks. Tension and rise rise rise rise of action and a fall into a satisfying finish. 

Baby it's cold outside. And dark and wet and I am afraid...............

I am psyched... 

and nervous. 

Actually, it really is dark outside. It is too early for this. But Belgium and England were worse.

What was I talking about. Oh, I know my final is one of my best pieces and I truly loved working on it and think I solved the problems with great thought and vision (I hope) and artistry. This piece is me.

And I hope I've chosen my best (which is a relative word) 15 pieces that reflect my vision as an illustrator (This is HARD) and I take it seriously (perhaps too much at times). There may be two or three me zzz.

So we trudge forth.

Because we have this love. How many things in life give you this feeling?

Oh my God I have to VOTE tomorrow.  BLECH.

Well,there you go. How many things in life give you that feeling? Most.

Oh, and  Emily's birthday is I have to go shopping with her. 
(They NEVER have chairs for patient parents. But they have that tee shirt.)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Found a tee shirt

I found the perfect tee shirt yesterday
at one of my favorite expensive stores in town.
It has a scene from Where the Wild Things Are on it.
I wanted that shirt so badly.
But I didn't buy it. 
When I get my first book I'll go back for it.
I'm sure it will no longer be there.
But I'll have them order it for me.