With one kid in college (and now in Europe for the semester... I miss her but her blog and skyping thrill me... and nope... she is no longer yours and you have to return her to the library) and another one having readied applications for college(talk about stress but she got into her safety school...yay!), life has been a bit nutsy. But finally everything is done except the decision making which will come in April. Her stress not mine. I'm done.
Now it is my time again.
I am happy to say that I blocked out the text on a new dummy, another character driven story. I seem to gravitate to these and they to me. One for boys. I completed the postcard for it and mailed it out and now have to sketch out the dummy. I hope to have this done by June. I actually have another one for boys which I may dummy up as well after I finish this one.
Still plugging away on the nursery rhyme book ... no deadline goal will ever be set for this. It will be done when it is done soon enough... sort of a labor of love project (and funny food, too). This book could sell to more than booksellers I think.
I want to re-write/re-dummy my pb biography after I read a few award winning ones/best sellers to see what makes them special. No deadline for that either. This guy won't die.
And new samples and a new postcard for the June conference.
That is it!!
Oh... and a pitch which is always fun!!