Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Done done done

The dummy is done. Now to shrink it and scan it and send it out.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Zee Dummeeee

Getting there and confident. Can't wait to finish the dummy and send it off..... a little bit more.
Showing it to critique group this weekend for feedback.....................yes!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Addressing a hundred or so postcards of a pb biography project I am working on... to send to publishers, and trying so hard to think of the perfect surprise ending of a dummy I plan to submit to agents hopefully by September end. This is the hardest part of the project. Some Pixar writers say you should know this up-front (the ending), but as an illustrator I am not so sure......we'll see. But it really has to be unexpected yet tie in to story to make it linger and effective.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Coney Island Thrills

Can't believe that this is the first time I've visited Coney Island. Having lived in CT, NYC and now NJ foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

And this was the ride of a lifetime... kind of a calm ride up (and down) with a few bits of jarring tension tossed in for an unexpected thrill...  you have to ride in the colorful cars in the interior section to experience this. Otherwise the white cars are safe.

Not a boring Ferris Wheel!!

Thanks to Deno's Wonder Wheel

Friday, July 18, 2014

Jersey Shore

Going to the Jersey Shore tomorrow. Love the Jersey Shore. May get some visual ideas for my pb dummy.......

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

So happy

to get back to this project again. And hopefully have it dummied (and critiqued) by September sometime.

I love this project. I just have to finish it....... and send to agent

and I've got all summer. No excuses.

Still afloat.... unlike what is about to happen to this guy

Thank you SCBWI NJ Conference 2014 for the kick-in-the-pants I needed!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

When you get more free time you just get busier!

Life, new career and training, kids and colleges, planning vacations and house projects are great but..........

My new postcards have arrived..............yummy!! And that is even betterer.

Now to get the website updated (be patient... be patient... we're getting there.)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

While the snow grows so does the progress...

Today and this weekend I:

1) address, stamp and mail about 100 new postcards. Yay!!

2) Complete a few illustrations and hopefully start one more.

3) Start a new dummy which I will bring to the next illustrator event in a few weeks -- and finish over the course of  a few months... yes a few months.

4) Check with webmaster on putting up new art and taking some down.

And tomorrow is Valentine's Day so...

eat your heart out.