Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Advice from advice

I've been reading up on some of my favorite illustrators and author/illustrators.

One who has been intriguing me for years is Marla Frazee. Today I read about her workshops and how she encourages her students to go deep. I take that to mean to go deep in themselves as their childhood selves. Of course. Real feelings, emotions, experiences. And to make a real story around that...not a slice or issue. Nothing inane, superficial or forgettable fluff. (And to me an adventure with an unusual yet hopefully grabbing plot structure.)

And then I read about Steven Malk who really stresses the dummy mock ups for submission (OF COURSE...C'MON...OF COURSE). I do not think author/illustrator submissions work without the proof in the dummy. And this has been clarified to me recently by editors, art directors and illustrators. SEND THE DUMMIES TO THE ART DEPARTMENT. And wait. 
(Advice from nice Knopf editor who really was genuine to me...I love Michele...yes you!)


And I love how Mem Fox talks about writing from experience not imagination. That is what makes stories eternal. Amen.

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