Sunday, November 22, 2009

It is not safe anywhere

(or just keep your yap shut)

Yesterday I visited one of my favorite locales, my local art supply store. I always have fun there and usually spend more than I intended... (oh, that pretty piece of handmade paper). I can use that, I know I can. I'll just buy it and put it my grand stack-o-collage papers waiting for a project. We stare at each other a lot, those papers and I. Some people collect stamps. Some people collect rocks. I collect beautiful paper.

But all I really needed on this trip was some Itoya(sos)dummy binders and some illustration board.

Doesn't seem like much to excite the average person but I always get more than I bargained for at my local art store.

As I approaced the cashier I noticed the conversation between the cashier (a young aspiring and cute artist) and an elderly, clueless woman making a purchase.

"What media do you work in young man?"

"Oh, I used to work in oils but now I am going digital?"

"Really, why?"

"Well, they are so expensive and I really want to be an illustrator."

"Oh. Have you done any books?"

(Oh, God I can't help I say)

"You need these Itoyas to make your book dummies (you cute cashier you)."

They both look at me, and my purchases.

"What media do you work in?"

"Primarily collage/mixed media."

"Are you an illustrator?"


"What do you illustrate?"

(God help me now.)

"Children's books."

(God help me.)

"I wrote a children's book. Can you illustrate it for me?"

"I am booked up for the next ten years...sorry."

(I lied.)


And she left without a trace... (of how this business works).

And the cute cashier looked down at the register, and thought about what I said. Maybe I got through.

And this customer walked out, drove home and marched up to her clean, organized studio, and began another piece of art.

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