Saturday, July 24, 2010

The plight of tigers

I just read a writer's blog post about the plight of tigers in the wild. There are only a few thousand or so in left existence. They are being poached for every possible use of their anatomy. I find it horrific.

The rest are in zoos and while I love zoos I always feel depressed when I see the big cats pace. They must feel humiliated. I would were I a big, regal beautiful beast. (The gorillas just throw things at you as in "you deserve it, you voyeur"... but the tigers just pace as in "get me outta here.") I know they are spared from the rugdom and cared for by the keeperdom, and absolutely loved by spectators... but still.

Now more than ever I have to write this story. They say to write from inspiration. That is always the best place to start. But before I do so I have to let go of the anger I feel towards the greedy killers. Otherwise, it'll just be an angry response. And that is not a good place to start.

Soon, I will talk about giraffes and how I feel about them. (They are so cool... yes they are!) And our experience with them.

Till then...think about nature as being here for you now, to enjoy as it is in alive and kicking. Not something to kill or destroy (physically or mentally). Please respect it.


Lily Cate said...

Giraffes are so cool. There is a small zoo near my town that has two giraffees, and their pasture fence actually touches the neighbor's property line. They can sit out on the patio and hang out with giraffes in their back yard. Lucky stiffs.

I don't like seeing the big cats in cages, either, even when you know it's the only way to save them.
The ones that really bother me though, are whales. Keeping a killer whale in a swimming pool should be illegal.

pudders said...

Well that would be utter nirvana for me. Ah, Wilderness... with Giraffes added!

We (my fam) were surrounded by a cluster of giraffes at one of these safari parks and they licked out car clean. They came right up to the windows and ate whatever was offered. They are so lovely and agile and docile.

And they run in circles. That would be a great illustration. I might tackle that.

I have a rough draft of a pb with giraffes in it. Problem is I don't know what I am trying to say in that one. And until I do it is not going anywhere because it won't go anywhere unless I have something to say.

Well. It is tragic that captivity thing. They don't get to hunt. They don't get to roam. Or herd or mate unless it is prearranged. And their babies survival rate is not that great (I am told).

Agreed. Thx for stopping by. B