Friday, October 17, 2008

Bad week. Good sketch

Dear Dairy,

This has been an absolutely horrible week.

I got a form rejection which knocked out the wind out of my sails.

A friend of my daughter died of a brain hemorrhage after a second concussion from football blows to the head. I hate contact sports. This should not have happened. The entire school and town are in shock. I can only imagine how beat up the team, coach, doctor and family are. I am not much on religion but prayers are in order.

The good news is I finished and sent off my sketch to the AD for revision. I should get it back any day and proceed with the final. I just hope it arrives soon because I need two full weeks to make it the best it can be. And I need to get most if not all of the dummy done to show for advice. 

Next year will be a better year...I hope. Maybe I'll get a nibble. Keep the faith whatever faith that is.

And my friends on the Blue Board threw me a private surprise party too! I love them!!

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